TwistAir™ Official Launch Event

April 16th, 18:00 - 20:00

Official In-Store Launch of Mond’s New TwistAir™ Collection


Join us for an exclusive in-store event to unveil our new collection of suiting fabrics, TwistAir™.

Crafted in England exclusively for Mond, TwistAir™ epitomizes style, comfort, and durability for the modern gentleman.


Date: 16.April

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Location: Gammel Kongevej 7, 1610 Copenhagen


Meet Mond’s co-founders as they introduce the collection, providing insights into its craftsmanship and inspiration.

Don’t miss the chance to experience TwistAir’s luxurious feel and impeccable quality firsthand. 

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We’re excited to welcome you!

Invitation only event

Limited seats available.

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Almost there! Your 3D powered fit is being created for suits, shirts and more… Please wait while we generate the InStore fits for outerwear… Please wait while we generate the InStore fit for overshirt… Welcome to the Tailoring Revolution. Now, you can order all our custom products based on your exact measurements!
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